[1] | Frank Dordowsky and Peter Kampmann. EURO-LOG, ein vernetztes Informationsverarbeitungssystem zur Unterstützung der unternehmensübergreifenden Transportlogistik. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 39(2):113--121, 1997. |
[2] | Klaus-Dieter Hess and Frank Dordowsky. Rational ClearCase migration to a complex avionics project - an experience report. In Ina Schieferdecker and Stephan Goericke, editors, Setting Quality Standards - Proceedings of the CONQUEST 2008, 11th International Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology. iSQI, dpunkt Verlag, 2008. |
[3] | Frank Dordowsky and Walter Hipp. Adopting software product line principles to manage software variants in a complex avionics system. In John D. McGregor and Dirk Muthig, editors, Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference, San Francisco, California, USA 2009, volume 1. Software Engineering Institute, August 2009. [ http ] |
[4] | Frank Dordowsky and Walter Hipp. Implementing multi-variant avionics systems with software product lines. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, Paris. CEAS Council of European Aerospace Societies, September 2010. |
[5] | Richard Bridges, Frank Dordowsky, and Holger Tschöpe. Implementing a software product line for a complex avionics system in Ada 83. Ada User Journal, 32(2):107--114, June 2011. [ .pdf ] |
[6] | Frank Dordowsky, Richard Bridges, and Holger Tschöpe. Implementing a software product line for a complex avionics system. In Ina Schaefer, Isabel John, and Klaus Schmid, editors, Proceedings of the 15th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2011), pages 241--250, Munich, Germany, August 2011. IEEE Computer Society. [ http ] |
[7] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Verifikation in der modellbasierten Software-Entwicklung. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):42--44, 2012. Workshopbericht. |
[8] | Holger Blasum, Frank Dordowsky, Bruno Langenstein, and Andreas Nonnengart. DO-178C compliance of Verisoft formal methods. In Proceedings of the Embedded Real Time Software and Systems Conference, 1. - 3. February, Toulouse, February 2012. |
[9] | Richard Bridges, Frank Dordowsky, and Holger Tschöpe. Combining Ada generics and code generation to implement a software product line. In Ada Europe 2012, 11 - 15 June, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012. [ .pdf ] |
[10] | Richard Bridges, Frank Dordowsky, and Holger Tschöpe. Combining code generation and Ada generics to implement a software product line. Ada User Journal, 33(3):217--225, September 2012. [ .pdf ] |
[11] | Frank Dordowsky. An experimental study using ACSL and Frama-C to formulate and verify low-level requirements from a DO-178C compliant avionics project. In Catherine Dubois, Paolo Masci, and Dominique Méry, editors, Proceedings Second International Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment, Oslo, Norway, June 22, 2015, volume 187 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 28--41. Open Publishing Association, 2015. [ DOI ] |
[12] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Variantenmanagement für Luft- und Raumfahrtsysteme. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (2):46--48, 2015. Workshopbericht. |
[13] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Modellbasierte Softwareentwicklung in der Luft- und Raumfahrt – Was hat sich in der letzten Dekade getan? Luft- und Raumfahrt, (2):52, 2016. Workshopbericht. |
[14] | Richard Seitz and Frank Dordowsky. Die DGLR stellt sich vor: Fachausschuss Q3.4 Software Engineering. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (3):38--39, 2016. |
[15] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Software Safety. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):52, 2017. Workshopbericht. |
[16] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Verschwindet die Grenze zwischen Hardware- und Softwareentwicklung? Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):55, 2018. Workshopbericht. |
[17] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Agile Software-Entwicklung in der Luft- und Raumfahrt. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):55, 2019. Workshopbericht. |
[18] | Richard Seitz and Frank Dordowsky. Fliegende Software -- wie die Automatisierung die Luftfahrt verändert. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (2):26--29, 2020. |
[19] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Luft- und Raumfahrt. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):56--57, 2020. Workshopbericht. |
[20] | Frank Dordowsky and Richard Seitz. DGLR Workshop: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Luft- und Raumfahrt. Luft- und Raumfahrt, (1):56--57, 2024. Workshopbericht. |
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